MLCC has undergone inventory adjustment for nearly one year, and the terminal inventory is in good condition. Despite the impact of the Sino-US trade war, the peak season of the electronics industry is not as good as in previous years. However, new 5G communications and smart mobile phones are on the market, and demand for some MLCC products has become stronger. The price of MLCC has stabilized.


It is understood that the price decline in the third quarter of this year is about 5% to 10%, and it is estimated that the fourth quarter will be further reduced to 5%.

As MLCC demand stabilized, Guoju, Huaxinke, Heshentang and Xinchangdian all outperformed in August, and their demand for China’s giants in Greater China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region continued to rise.

In August, the company’s revenue climbed to 3.415 billion yuan, and the accumulated revenue for the first eight months was 27.765 billion yuan, a decrease of 45.2% compared with the same period last year.

Huaxin Branch and Xinchang Power’s August revenues were 2.44 billion yuan and 323 million yuan respectively, up 1.16% and 2.54% respectively. The accumulated revenue for the first eight months was 21.059 billion yuan and 3.02 billion yuan respectively, down 29.09% and 17.89. %.

He Shentang’s revenue in August was about 1.318 billion yuan, an increase of 3.92% from the previous month and a decrease of 23.38% from the same month of last year. The accumulated revenue from January to August was about 9.376 billion yuan, a decrease of 15.35% compared with the same period of last year.

He Shentang said that the recent passive component market inventory has been digested to a considerable extent, and the number of customer orders has increased significantly. He Shentang will carefully observe market development and demand changes, and strengthen the sales of niche products.

This year, most of the MLCC plants expanded according to the original plan. In addition to the demand for automotive electronics, the MLCC usage of 5G mobile phones is much higher than that of 4G mobile phones. The industry report predicts that 5G mobile phones with 10% millimeter wave more than 5G mobile phones are estimated. Will increase the amount of 20 to 30%.

At present, 4G iPhones have already used more than 1,200 iPhones. This year, 5G mobile phones in the world are estimated to reach 5 million. In the future, the MLCC consumption will increase.