
Corona-19’s slowdown | Europe Begins to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown

After the Wuhan Begins to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown, According to the British Sky TV report on April 7, the governments of Austria, Denmark, Norway and the Czech Republic announced this week that they plan to gradually lift the social blockade measures imposed by the new coronary pneumonia outbreak. Other European countries such as Italy, Spain, [...]

2020-06-20T08:16:21+00:00Categories: News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Corona-19’s slowdown | Europe Begins to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown

Xuansn (CH) aluminum electrolytic capacitors fully support Corona-19

In the fight against the Corona-19 epidemic, the production configuration of China's medical technology and equipment faced a severe test. In order to meet the needs of patients for treatment in a timely manner and to the greatest extent, during the outbreak of Corona-19, the Chinese government urgently and quickly built some new hospitals, especially in [...]

2020-04-08T10:14:04+00:00Categories: News|Tags: , |Comments Off on Xuansn (CH) aluminum electrolytic capacitors fully support Corona-19


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