After the Wuhan Begins to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown, According to the British Sky TV report on April 7, the governments of Austria, Denmark, Norway and the Czech Republic announced this week that they plan to gradually lift the social blockade measures imposed by the new coronary pneumonia outbreak.

Other European countries such as Italy, Spain, Germany, and France, where the epidemic is relatively severe, are also planning how to “unblock” it.

The first country to be closed-Austria

On the 6th local time, Austria, which borders on the hardest hit Italy, announced that it would “resurrect” the day after Easter (April 12), becoming the first EU country to announce “unblocking”.

According to Reuters, Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz announced on the same day that as long as the public continues to comply with the relevant policies, Austria plans to allow small shops to reopen from next week, which is the first step in the country to relax the “blockade” .

From April 14th, small shops, gardening markets, etc. can resume business under the conditions of epidemic prevention; from May 1st, all commercial shops and barber shops resume business;

The hotel and catering industry will resume operations from mid-May; the school’s distance teaching is tentatively extended to mid-May; and assembly and large-scale activities are still prohibited until the end of June.

But this decision will be evaluated at the end of April. Kurz also warned that if the number of diagnoses increases again, “emergency braking” may be required.

Germany will end the blockade on April 19

According to foreign media reports on April 6, Germany has developed a series of measures, including mandatory wearing of masks in public places, restricted assembly and rapid tracking of the infection chain, to help the country gradually recover after ending its blockade measures on April 19. Normal life.

At the same time, Germany has also drafted a resumption plan. The report released by the German Institute of Economics Ifo suggests that the resumption of work in industries that contribute the most to economic growth, such as telecommunications and automobile production, should be prioritized, and those tasks that can be easily completed at home should continue to be completed remotely.

Moreover, companies that produce protective medical supplies should also resume work quickly, while hotels and restaurants can only reopen in a “very cautious and controllable manner”, allowing social distance to continue.

Spain will end state of emergency on April 26

On April 8th local time, the Spanish government spokesperson Maria-Jesus-Montero said that Spain will end the emergency after April 26th and resume normal life.

Maria said that Spain will resume normal life after April 26, but it will still be strictly controlled. Maria also said that she would try to test some asymptomatic virus carriers to see if anyone has acquired immunity through illness.

Norway, Denmark, and the Czech Republic have successively announced plans to unblock

Soon after Austria announced the “resurrection”, Norway and Denmark also successively announced their own “unblocking” plans.

However, the number of infections and deaths in Denmark has declined since last week. Denmark announced that it will reopen schools and daycare centres on April 15th, but other restrictions, including border control, ban on parties of more than 10 people, will continue until at least May 10th, and larger parties will reach 8 Only allowed in the month.

The Norwegian school and day care center will reopen in 5 days. On April 20, Norway will also end the ban on families visiting holiday villas (vacation villas are very common in the country), and barber shops and other businesses have also been informed that they will be allowed to reopen.

The Czech Republic currently plans to reopen more stores this Thursday, and the scope of unsealing will be further expanded from this week. More stores may open after Easter.

United Kingdom: Study the experience of other countries and embark on an unblocking plan

For the UK, the epidemic situation is still relatively serious, and it is still in the critical stage of anti-epidemic.

However, although the epidemic has not yet reached its peak, the British government has begun to study the “unblocking” plan.

According to a report by the Financial Times on the 7th, the British government will study the experience of Italy and other countries in lifting the “blockade” isolation measures. A number of ministerial officials are planning to restore the normal schedule of British national life and economic activities.

The government is considering how to combine testing and technology to lift the “blockade” isolation measures in phases during the summer, and countries such as Italy are regarded as reference objects.

Italy: preparing to enter the second stage, preparing for unblocking

As the most severe country in Europe, Italy ’s infection rate has fallen to its lowest level since March 17 after strict quarantine, which indicates that the country may have passed the peak of the outbreak.

At present, Italy’s national “blockade” measures will expire on April 13, and now Italy is exploring how and when to enter the second stage of the anti-epidemic.

According to the “Business Insider” report on the 7th, Italian health authorities said that they may soon begin to relax the strict “blockade” restrictions.

According to an Italian “Evening Post” report on the 6th, some companies in the country may be allowed to reopen as early as mid-April, and some travel restrictions may be lifted in May. But Speranza said it is too early to say when the ban can be lifted.

Although the epidemic has begun to slow down, there are signs that the crisis is not over, so we cannot relax our vigilance prematurely.