As a reactive power compensation device, power capacitor is an important equipment for safe operation of power grid. However, in actual applications, due to human factors and environmental factors, the capacitor frequently fails during operation, which affects normal work. This article introduces several common Fault handling of capacitors method.

Fault handling of capacitors 1. When the capacitor explodes and catches fire, immediately disconnect the power supply and use sand and dry fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire;

2. When the fuse of the capacitor is blown, report to the dispatcher and open the circuit breaker of the capacitor after obtaining the consent. Disconnect the power supply to discharge it, and first conduct an external inspection, such as whether there are flashover marks on the outside of the bushing, whether the casing is deformed, oil leakage, and whether there is a short circuit in the grounding device; etc.; and measure the insulation resistance between the poles and the pole to ground Value, check whether the wiring of the capacitor bank is complete and firm, and whether there is a phase loss phenomenon, if no fault phenomenon is found, it can be replaced after insurance. If the insurance is still blown after power transmission, the faulty capacitor should be withdrawn, and the rest of the power supply should be resumed. If the circuit breaker also trips at the same time as the fuse is fused, it cannot be sent at this time. The insurance must be replaced after the above inspection is completed.

3. The circuit breaker of the capacitor trips, and the shunt insurance is not broken. The capacitor should be discharged for three minutes before checking the circuit breaker current transformer power cable and the exterior of the capacitor. If no abnormality is found, it may be due to fluctuations in the external fault bus voltage. After the inspection, it may be tested; otherwise, a comprehensive power-on test for protection shall be carried out. Through the above inspections and tests, if you still can’t find the reason, you need to do things according to the system and gradually test the capacitor. No trial investment is allowed until the cause is identified.