CBB capacitor

CBB capacitor classification, characteristics and original use

The CBB capacitor is a metallized polypropylene film series structure type, which can resist high voltage and large current impact, has small loss, excellent electrical performance, high reliability and self-healing performance. Features of CBB capacitor:No polarity, high insulation resistance, excellent frequency characteristics, and low dielectric loss;High dielectric constant, small size, large capacity and good stability;Small dielectric [...]

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The difference between CBB capacitor and CL capacitor

Conventional film capacitors are generally classified into metallized polyester films and metallized polypropylene films depending on their materials. The polyester film capacitor is also called CL capacitor & MER capacitor; polypropylene film capacitor is called CBB capacitor & MPR capacitor. There are two main structures for each material; foil CL11, CBB11 and metallized CL21, CBB21, CBB22, [...]

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