There was a sudden explosion in Lebanese capital Beirut,Caused more than 3,000 casualties. Lebanese Prime Minister Diab made a televised speech that day, saying that those responsible for the “disaster” will pay the price.

According to Al Jazeera’s report, in a televised speech on the 4th day, Diab said, “What happened today will not just pass without accountability,” “Those who are responsible for this disaster will pay. cost.”

According to the report, Lebanese officials said that the explosion may be related to “explosives” confiscated and stored in local warehouses for many years. Lebanese Interior Minister Fahmi also said earlier that the explosion may have been caused by the chemical ammonium nitrate stored in the port warehouse in 2014. Diab mentioned in his speech that this dangerous warehouse has existed for 6 years since 2014.

On the same day, Diab also called on the international community to provide assistance to Lebanon. Al Jazeera said that the country is currently fighting the worst economic crisis and the ever-increasing new crown epidemic.

Lebanese Minister of Health Hassan said on the same day that preliminary statistics showed that a sudden explosion in Lebanese capital Beirut caused at least 73 deaths and 4000 injuries. Due to the limited capacity of Beirut’s hospitals, he called for the casualties to be dispersed to surrounding hospitals and called on all medical staff to participate in the treatment of the wounded.

Prime Minister Lebanon announced the 5th as the National Day of Mourning

The Beirut regional hospital was overcrowded, and the Lebanese Red Cross called on citizens to donate blood. When inspecting Beirut Port, Interior Minister Fahmi said that the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. Preliminary conditions showed that the explosion was caused by flammable and explosive materials stored in the port. Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab has declared the 5th as a national day of mourning.