The latest financial report released by the US technology company Microsoft on the 28th showed that while the cloud business promotes the company’s revenue growth, tablet devices and game-related businesses have seen a significant slowdown in growth or a year-on-year decline in revenue. The company’s stock price once fell by 3% after the market.

2021 fiscal fourth quarter financial report shows that the quarter’s revenue was 46.2 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 21% compared with 38 billion U.S. dollars in the same period last year. According to the US General Accounting Principles (GAAP), its net profit for the quarter was US$16.5 billion, an increase of 47% compared to US$11.2 billion in the same period last year. According to non-GAAP, its net profit for the quarter was US$15.7 billion, an increase of 40%.

According to the division, Microsoft’s productivity and business process division’s fourth-quarter revenue was $14.7 billion, an increase of 21% year-on-year. Among them, Office commercial products and cloud service revenue increased by 20%, which was attributed to a 25% increase in Office 365 commercial revenue. In the quarter, income from LinkedIn, Microsoft’s workplace social platform, increased by 46%.

The revenue of Microsoft’s smart cloud division was US$17.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 30%. Among them, Azure cloud computing business revenue growth was 51%.

However, some investors worry that part of the Azure business’s good performance last quarter came from exchange gains and losses. If this factor is excluded, the revenue growth rate will drop to 45%, which means that the growth rate will slow down. Although Azure has been growing steadily, it faces competition with Amazon AWS and Google’s cloud business.

Ford Bernstein analyst Modler said: “If Azure growth slows, people will worry that the boom is over. Investors obviously worry that Azure will not be as large as Amazon in the future.”

Chief Financial Officer Hood said that Azure’s performance was better than expected, and cloud demand remains strong.

Previously, Microsoft’s gaming business was particularly strong. In March of this year, the company acquired ZeniMax Media, the owner of the popular game Doom, for $7.5 billion. But in the most recent quarter, sales of game content and services fell by 4%. This year, it also negotiated the acquisition with the game chat company Discord at a price of more than $10 billion, but Discord subsequently terminated the acquisition negotiations with Microsoft. Previously, Discord had stated that the number of monthly active users affected by the epidemic doubled to 140 million last year, and that it generated $130 million in revenue last year.

此外,全球芯片短缺也对其产生影响。胡德在电话会议上表示,“代工业务收入下降了3%,平板电脑Surface业务下降了20%,两者都受到了早先在良好的需求环境下出现的严重供应限制的影响。” 胡德预测,筹码。零部件短缺的影响将持续到 7 月 1 日开始的新年。

纵观2021财年全年,微软2021财年营收为1681亿美元,同比增长18%。根据US GAAP,本财年净利润为613亿美元,较去年同期的443亿美元增长38%;根据非美国公认会计准则,本财年净利润为 607 亿美元,同比增长 37.%。