The 127th Canton Fair has moved from the physical exhibition hall to the Internet, everyone should have known this news. In order to boost the confidence of enterprises and consumers, merchants and platforms can say that they have done everything they can. If offline exhibitions are not available, then online exhibitions and online graphic displays are not intuitive enough. The display is not fresh enough, and it is not lively enough, so let the foreign trade exhibition also use the most popular and most viewed technology in 2020: put up the shelf, live broadcast the goods.
          live broadcast with goods On April 10, the Ministry of Commerce held a press conference at the State Council Office to introduce that the 127th Canton Fair will be held online for the first time this year, and it will introduce the most popular e-commerce project at the moment-live broadcast with goods. The 127th Canton Fair will promote 2.5 Ten thousand exhibitors all went online for display, mainly including: online display and docking platform, cross-border e-commerce zone, live broadcast marketing services, continue to take advantage of the trade show, and build an all-weather online foreign trade platform.
        During the epidemic, the hottest thing on the Internet was live streaming. This is a new sales model that is popular in China. Many large shopping malls and shopping centers have also launched a “live broadcast + retail” model to attract people to “cloud shopping.” .
         Not long ago, there were some launching conferences, which also attracted everyone ’s attention. That is, some local governments such as Guangzhou also announced that they will create “live broadcast with goods”. This business model is no longer just a technology gadget that individual anchors are playing. And it has risen to the model of the whole people from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom.
         Li Xingqian, director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, introduced that the Internet is connecting thousands of households and is profoundly changing our production and life. It is a practical initiative to bring to the cloud a global trade event that has been held continuously for more than 120 years for more than 60 years. The world-famous Canton Fair moved from the physical pavilion to the Internet, not simply a copy, but a new structural design and process reengineering.