China News Service, November 9th. According to “Central News Agency”, European Commission Vice President Donbrowskis said on the 9th that he is promoting a plans to impose tariffs on US$4 billion in goods to counter US subsidies. Chinese aircraft manufacturer Boeing.

According to reports, Valdis Dombrovskis said: “After the WTO ruled on the Airbus case, the United States imposed tariffs (on EU goods). Now the WTO has also ruled on the Boeing case. So that we can impose tariffs and we will do so.”

He said: “Of course, we are open to seeking solutions through negotiations. Our proposal is still valid, that is, both sides will remove tariffs.” However, he also said that despite the EU’s several calls, “So far, the United States has not Agreed to cancel their tariffs”.

According to the report, according to the preliminary list of tariffs imposed on the United States and Canada announced by the European Union in October, items include frozen fish and shellfish, dried fruits, tobacco, rum and vodka, handbags, and motorcycle parts.

According to previous media reports, the WTO ruled on October 13th local time that the EU can take countermeasures against US$4 billion worth of US goods and services each year. On October 26, a WTO official said, “Because the United States failed to comply with the WTO’s ruling on the US government subsidy to Boeing, WTO members approved the EU’s request for retaliatory measures against the United States.”

The US-Europe aviation subsidy dispute has a long history. In 2004, the United States filed a lawsuit with the WTO, accusing the European Union of providing illegal subsidies to Airbus in various forms. The European Union subsequently sued the WTO to provide illegal subsidies to Boeing by the US government. In response to this, the WTO has ruled that both the United States and the European Union have provided illegal subsidies to their respective aviation companies.

In October 2019, the WTO once subsidized Airbus in violation of EU regulations and authorized the United States to impose additional tariffs and other retaliatory measures against approximately US$7.5 billion of EU goods and services exported to the United States each year.